The effectiveness of these interventions is not known. We are attempting to find this out by conducting this research study. MEMOIR is the first, large, high-quality clinical trial to evaluate of the effects of these interventions.
Participation in this study will not cost you anything, nor will you be paid.
We will contact your GP to ensure they have no concerns regarding your participation in the MEMOIR trial. If there are no concerns raised by your GP, you will undergo a medical screening by the MEMOIR trial doctor, a specialist pain medicine physician.
These will be delivered to your home address by a medical courier.
Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You do not have to take part in it. If you do take part, you can withdraw at any time without having to give a reason. Your decision to withdraw will not affect your medical treatment or your relationship with the clinicians or researchers involved in the study.
All the information collected from you for the study will be treated confidentially. All data collected will be entered electronically and stored on a secure research database. This study’s results may be presented at a conference or in a scientific publication, but individual participants will not be identifiable in such a presentation.
Upon completion of the study, a one-page common language summary of the findings of the study will be sent to participants via post or email. The general results of the study will also be posted on the NeuRA website.
Telehealth sessions will be conducted via Zoom. Zoom can be used on any computer (or tablet) with a web camera and microphone. We recommend you have access to a well lit and private space for the Telehealth sessions.
The MEMOIR study team and trial doctor will assess your current treatments against the study eligibility criteria. Where possible, participants in all intervention groups will be able to continue their current medical, physical or psychological treatments, provided they are not listed in the study exclusion criteria.